Author Archives: adminUL

Umbra Lucis | To Battle! Sixth Edition

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Master Class Philippe Pierlot

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Umbra Lucis | To Battle! Fifth Edition

Anteprima di Pasqua Martedì 27 marzo Anghiari, Chiesa della Propositura, ore 21 In qua nocte tradebatur Concerto per il martedì Santo Musiche di Frescobaldi, Gabrieli, Monteverdi, Palestrina Giovanni Cantarini, tenore Umbra Lucis Ensemble   Venerdì 22 Giugno Castello di Sorci, ore … Continue reading

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Umbra Lucis | To Battle! Fourth Edition

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Umbra Lucis | To Battle! Third Edition

PROGRAMMA Martedì 28 giugno Chiesa della Madonna del Carmine, ore 21 …aspettando la Battaglia “…ad imitar la voce humana, più che sia possibile” Bruce Dickey, cornetto Liuwe Tamminga, organo Domenica 17 luglio Chiesa di Sant’Agostino, ore 21 La ‘querelle’ tra … Continue reading

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Umbra Lucis | To Battle! Second Edition

Anghiari 28 giugno – 23 agosto Programma  Domenica 28 giugno  Chiesa di Sant’Agostino, ore 18.30  A due viole… Fabrizio Lepri, Irene Caraba, viole da gamba  Musiche di S. Ives, M. Locke, Mer. De Sainte Colombe, J. Boden de Boismortier, J. … Continue reading

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Umbra Lucis | To Battle!

Atanasio Kircher, Antidotum tarantulae, Video Live HD (Anghiari, Pieve di Sovara, 21 settembre 2013)

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“For mankind, song is the physician of pain”

Music has always been considered a remedy for the harshness of existence and a healer of certain psychic pathologies – as the theories of the Greek physician Asclepiades of Bithynia testify (129-40 BC). Its beneficial effect has shone on humans, … Continue reading

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To Battle

The relationship between music and battle is an archetypal relationship that witnesses the ethical dimension of musical discipline and its impact on the human being. The sound of the trumpets and the drums, for example, inciting to the battle and … Continue reading

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Johann Sebastian Bach’s Triosonatas

Johann Sebastian Bach’s Triosonatas Trascriptions of the Organ Triosonatas (BWV 525-530) for recorder, Violin, Gamba Viol and Cembalo. Sonata for recorder and harpsichord BWV 1030; Sonata for Gamba Viol, Recorder and Continuo (da BWV 1027).

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